128 Kalayaan Avenue, Central Quezon City, Philippines 1100

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Opens 8 AM - 5 PM

IRIS Syscal Pro Switch

The input current can be automatically adjusted (Vp request option) to ensure a minimum voltage level on all the reception channels and therefore a good measurement quality. This versatile device is designed to work in a large number of configurations (4 to 13 electrodes for manual measurement, SP measurements, sounding, profiling, 2D, roll-along, 3D and 4D monitoring surveys, etc.). For imaging measurements, Iris Instruments proposes different standard heavy-duty multi-core cables (5 traces – 10m, 10 traces – 5m and 10 traces – 10m).

It is ideal for environmental and civil engineering applications such as pollution monitoring and mapping, salinity control, depth-to-rock determination, and weathered bedrock mapping. It can also be used for shallow groundwater exploration (depth and thickness assessment of aquifers) and mining exploration.


Main features:

  • TEN SIMULTANEOUS CHANNELS: for high speed data acquisition, up to 1 000 rdgs/mn
  • UP TO 800 – 1 000V, 2.5A OUTPUTS: for penetration & data quality
  • AUTOMATIC SWITCHING CAPABILITY: for 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, up to 1 300 electrodes
  • RESISTIVITY & INDUCED POLARIZATION: twenty IP chargeability windows

The Syscal Pro Switch is a compact and versatile all-in-one multi-node resistivity and induced polarization imaging system for environmental and engineering geophysical studies. The Syscal Pro gathers a 10 channel-receiver and a 250W, 2000Vpp internal transmitter which makes it the most powerful system of the Syscal range. This system can perform up to 10 measurements at a time and its switching board allows operation with 48 (Switch-48) up to 120 (Switch-120) electrodes.